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Becker BK2
I have had my Becker for nearly 2 years after purchasing it following hearing numerous good things about them being used as a survival knife. The first thing you notice is the weight, it’s a hefty 1 lb. At 6.35mm thick by 26cm long it feels like it was made from an armour-plate and could stop a bullet, it truly feels like an indestructible knife. It’s made from 1095 Cro-Van steel with a drop point shape, designed by Ethan Becker and now made by Ka-Bar.
The first thing that came into my mind when I began using this knife was wow it’s a work horse, I was battoning wood like it was butter. I have never been a fan of the black coating and have been looking at a way of removing it, then without the factory finish it will need to treated to prevent rust. I will also replace the handle as I find the stock grivory scales a bit slick after some use, I have seen some nice micarta scales made for the BK2 that look rather nice. It may even end up with a new sheath to replace the tactical looking stock sheath to something more pleasing to my eye.
Posted in Cutting Tools, Preparedness, Products, Survival Kit
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Podcast Episode 7
The delayed in the chaos of Christmas Show.
In what was planned to be the last episode of 2012 (but turned out to be the first show of 2013) we announce the winner of the Frontier Bushcraft contest, talk about what we want for Christmas, first aid kits and what you should have in them. Making some Christmas gifts, highlights of 2012 and some of what we have coming up in 2013.
Ray Mears
Lifesystems First Aid and Travel Equipment
Frontier Bushcraft
I.E.A.T Scouts
Bear Grylls Survival Academy
Woodland Ways 2 Year Course
Perry McGee – National Tracking School
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As 2012 gives way to 2013
2012 will be a year I will remember for a long time. I shifted up a gear with getting stuff done on the website and with the help of Mark launched a podcast, this lead to meeting and interviewing John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman who wrote the SAS Survival Guide at the Bushcraft Show 2012. You can listen Episode 3 here.
We also spent an afternoon talking with Paul Kirtley and recorded it for the podcast, this has been the most popular Urban Bushcraft podcast episode so far. The numbers of listeners has far exceeded what I had expected back when we recorded episode 1 and I would like to thank you all as it gives us the desire to improve with each show.
As the Winners of the Best in Bushcraft awards 2012 have not been announced I would like to thank anyone who voted for The Urban Bushcraft Podcast no matter what the final result be, it is always very close in the end and to just be listed as a finalist would be an honor in itself.
The number of page views on the website also exceeded the targets I set myself for last year and 2012 also saw the first of what I hope are many more guest articles. I would like to thank Joe O’Leary for his article on lean-to shelters, you can read the article here.
Mark would like to get some hammock camping done in 2013 as his bushcraft new year resolution.
Where I would like to complete two projects I have had on my to-do list for a while, the first being to carve my own kuksa and the second to make my own bushcraft knife.
As we complete these resolutions we will make articles and podcast shows to share how we got along with them.
We would also like to meet more of our listeners/readers in 2013, the Bushcraft Show and Wilderness Gathering will be on my list to attend so if you see me say hello. There might even be some Urban Bushcraft goodies in it for you.
Happy New Year from Urban Bushcraft!
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Laplander Knife Handle
In a recent attempt at attaching handle scales to a knife blank I have learnt a few lessons:
- I need access to a wood workshop with a pillar drill and a sanding wheel.
- I can hand carve for hours with sharp knives and not cut myself, but will gouge my hand with a screwdriver in minutes.
I have had my Laplander knife blank for almost 5 years with the intention of fitting my own custom scales, I originally wanted to use oak but in the end decided to use up a nice piece of white ash I brought from The Bushcraft Store. Me and the wife had gone on a Woodland Folklore and Myth walk at our local park and the guide explained that Ash trees are protected by fairies, which is more the kind of thing my wife is interested about when it comes to bushcraft. So I now have a knife handle that is protected by fairies.
I will finish the scales when I have access to a wood shop with a sanding machine, so if you have a wood shop and can help please do get in touch.
Posted in Cutting Tools, Projects
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