Priorities of survival – Protection

Number 1 in your survival priorities is protection. Protection from the elements. Protection from dangerous animals. Protection from hazards.

I think of protection as being made up of 3 layers: Clothing, Shelter and Fire.

Your immediate protection is the clothing you are wearing, if you are wearing suitable clothing you are being protected from the elements.
Wear layers that trap air in-between them in cold weather instead of wearing one thick garment. Avoid sweating and getting your clothing wet as your clothing can lose up to 90% of its insulating qualities as water will conduct heat away from your body 25 times faster than air of the same temperature. Wearing suitable head gear and keeping your body’s core is vital.

Remember when its cold act before you get too cold.

In a warmer climate clothing and head gear will be your main protection from the sun by creating some shade, this can be made cooler if made wet.

Shelter can come in many options depending on your environment, look for natural shelters (such as caves, overhangs, hollows and trees) you can utilize which will help you preserve energy levels. In some situations you might be able to use a man-made shelter like a life raft or some safe wreckage, you can also use man-made materials that have been scavenged to help in the construction of a suitable shelter.
The most important thing to consider in a shelter is that it is stable and in a safe location away from hazards such as wind, rain, areas likely to flood, rock falls, insect swarms and animals.

Fire can provide you with heat, light, comfort and protection. There a numerous ways of lighting a fire such as a lighter, fire steel, match and car battery being some of the easiest options.

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